Quest and Crusade of Manu, The Final Crusade

Above are the earlier chapters. Do give them a glance! Catch up with the finale!

Chapter four : The Realisation

Manu wore the wolf’s pelt as an achievement.
With a single arm and scars on neck,
no one was to mess with him.
He passed many travellers, saw many tribes.
He rode on a lot of lands and stopped at many tribes.
He saw their fears, listened to their gods.
He ran into people who had different gods,
but he still did not reach even one single God.
He was fed up with the land and wished that there was a place.
A place with no soil but filled with waters.
He rode through instinct and followed the cool breeze.
He somehow believed that there was actually such a place.
It took months, and he finally saw something.
A mass filled with water and it was bigger than any river he saw.
He could not see the land at all.
It felt like land ended there,
and it was all water ever forth.
He got down his donkey and rushed at the waters.
He cleaned himself and yelled with joy.
He remained there for days, and he was finally at peace.
But he still didn’t know where the gods reside.
No soon did he ran into a wooden construction,
that was floating on water and bigger than any raft.
It had humans on it, and it wondered him more.
How many ways will us humans find,
before we found peace?
He held a huge stick and waved at the nearing ship.
His looks were scary, but his charm still was around.
They welcomed him aboard and treated him with drinks.
They spoke in one of the known languages,
and it was of a tribe that was dysfunctional.
Its members migrated and found many ways to live.
He told them he met their root tribe,
they were happy, but they called them fools with no brains.
For they have actually converted and started believing more.
Their gods are visible and do communicate with them.
Manu jumped with thrill and asked them to show.
The captain took Manu to the edge of the boat,
fingered towards the currents.
Water is God, the air is God,
the God is also fire and earth that we walk.
God is not something that is not there.
It is something that makes us live.
It feeds our stomachs and lets us live,
it makes our lives better than we need.
Manu was shocked, and he laughed.
He felt like he was filled
with the knowledge that he needs.
He spent a few months sailing with them,
salvaging the islands and sleeping on the decks.
But he dropped off with his donkey to set foot again.
For he was not a settler, and forward he began.
He passed a few tribes more and more,
he told them nature was the God.
Few hated him and kicked him out,
while a few started to understand.
He kept himself out of connections.
He never returned to any of those tribes.
Still wishing to confirm he kept on going north.
Ran into beasts, and threats of human beings.
No matter how north he went,
he only saw more beasts.
Beasts that hunted and killed,
humans that imitated beats.
Soon he reached the peak of land,
once again to the edge of waters.
He sat down to contemplate.
Cleaned his greying beard.
His skin grew pale, and wrinkles were his friends.
He knew his time has come,
and there was no stairway to heaven.
One more thing left for him to do,
he returned to his original tribe.
It grew big into a village,
and the priest was his younger brother.
The people recognised him so soon
and repelled through his coming back.
Questioned their faith and cursed them bad,
he put his answers right there.
He told them what’s right,
and the gods are fictional.
To pray what is visible and worship one and all.
His brother was so tough and challenged him to fight.
I’m no seeker of thrones,
for I have seen it all.
I have not come to sow my seeds,
it is just my duty.
My duty for you all,
my cousins and brothers.
For I will die, if you want,
be it last sacrifice.
His words were sharp and also was his charm.
The people saw his reason,
and half of them started believing.
He still did not stay and kept going on
for his mission to succeed.
He preached the words of a beautiful life,
and he spread harmony.
He was on his deathbed,
and he told this to me, his disciple,
these last words of life.

All my life, I had wandered,
tried to know it all.
In the quest of finding my God,
I have found several.
I have come to know that God
existed in us all.
In a search to find one,
I have met thousands of Gods.
I set foot to bring you all,
to bring the heavens on earth.
Look no high for the paradise,
as it lies in front of you all.
If it reflects the hell of below,
try to change it now.
Make your place a paradise,
for it actually exists nowhere.
My mission is to bring joy,
my God is the way of peace.


He never told his name,
or the name of his tribes.
I took the mission,
and made it mine.
For it is not wrong to spread the peace,
as hatred is rapid in spreading.
I do not worship him,
as he is not a god.
He was just a man like me,
a man who shared his questions,
for which he never found answers,
and no one ever will.
The questions still exist,
and make us always think.
For the first man of the reason he was,
I named him after the first man,
Manu; he is Manu of the reason.

Quest and Crusade of Manu, III

Chapter three: Confrontation with the demon

Click here for Quest and Crusade of Manu, Chapter One

Click here for Quest and Crusade of Manu, Chapter Two

Manas walked back as Manu saw a shadow.
Gulping his fear, he remained unmoved,
even when the shadow grew bigger and clear.
Never did he closehis eyes, they were so open.
Out came the beast with its sparkling red eyes.
Surprising to Manu, it was just a wolf.
But a wolf like he had never seen,
for it is so big and fierce.
Saliva dropped through its jaws, and its walk was weary.
Clearly, he can see that it has gotten a lot older.
Even being a wolf, it was big and full.
Maybe demons are just images of animals.
He sat on his knees and started looking at it.
O’ demon full of hunger,
have you ever seen God?
Is he cruel and bad for the deeds he had done?
Why the need to kill us all,
his dear creation.
Is it not best not to create us at all?
The beast was irked; close it came and growled so hard.
Neither did he fear nor did he hesitate,
answer me quickly before you eat, he yelled.
It irked it more and made it pounce on him.
Grabbing his neck, it dragged Manu,
as he screamed with the pain and bled through his throat.
Are you just a beast who has fully grown?
Will you do not die if I tried to kill?
He faintly asked before it chewed his arm.
The bite freed his arm, and he was quick on legs.
Picked up a stone and he pierced it in its eye.
Squealed the beast with bleeding eye,
And Manu knew that this was just an overgrown beast.
Numb felt his arm, but his neck was at pain.
Gathering his wits, he stabbed its other eye.
Angry but old, the creature pounced blind,
only to miss the target and become vulnerable.
Manu lifted a rock and smashed its head.
Crying with pain, he peeled its skin.
Cleaned his wounds and tied them with its hide.
Dragged it to the cart and started pushing it down.
He went down the hill, gathering his fainted breath.
He felt he was to faint and wise was his thought.
He kicked the cart hard and jumped on top of it.
Falling on the sliding carriage, he fainted out of mind.
The cart hit the gates of the tribe, and Manas saw it fall.
Opened his eyes in a medic’s hut, Manu saw the tribe,
that gathered him around.
The smile was there, and the love was spilling out.
They lifted him out and jumped with joy.
They called him the gift of God and worshipped him so.
They never listened to his words that said,
it was just a beast.

He was soon flowered with gifts,
offerings of food and pleasures.
He rejected them smoothly and hated their thought.
He knew it was mere luck, the beat grew old and weak.
In search of gods, he had become one.
But glad was he not for the holy treatment.
The prayers seemed blabber and the people so foolish.
You need not a god, but a hunter with a sword.
Taught them his skills, made them wooden swords.
He set foot once again to find his real questions.
True peace is what I look up to,
and not ignorant bliss.
I will remember you forever and ever,
for you have been more than my family.
He parted his ways and waved goodbyes.
He rode on the donkey, they also gifted him some rice.
He set foot once again, to quench his questions,
which just grew in number but not one solved.

To the glory of Kargil

With immense strength in heart;
& unmatched bravery  being their art;
They marched on for two months;
Always stood on the fronts;
Facing the fire from every acre;
For they thought they were the Nation’s caretakers.

Have you ever seen heroes?
Yes, they are on the borders day and night;
Always ready for a fight.
1999 was a year of pride;
527 families were flooded with cries;
Everyone lost something that day;
A son, brother, husband, father, friend;
But their lives and sacrifice will never be forgotten;
For they were men in golden.

For the motherland and it’s people;
They fought with the evil;
& soared high like an eagle!
To all the martyred and the one’s still fighting for us;
Thank you;
For saving our country from going to dust;
For every injury you’ve incurred;
For fighting our freedom to live & be heard.

I salute to all the brave hearts of the Kargil war;
For being the perfect example of mankind;
They shall be remembered well;
for it’s for them that every Indian has a place to dwell!
You have made us proud;
For this day only makes me shout;
‘You all were the perfect scouts!’

Karma is not a bitch, It is a snitch!

When something goes wrong, we all say without a second thought; “It’s true man, Karma a bitch.” It has become a trendy phrase too. I used the same phrase as others. But I changed it to “Karma is a Snitch” after hearing this voice;
“Hello, dear!
Wondering who I am?
I’m the one whom you all call as a “BITCH”,
Yes, I’m a bitch, but I’m a Bittersweet bitch called “KARMA”;
You called me bitch, but I’m a SNITCH that you all ignore;
I’m a snitch because;
Sometimes I made you suffer in life, not because you were terrible or bad;
But because you didn’t realise where to stop being GOOD;
Sometimes you might think you failed a battle because of me,
But you’re mistaken, my friend!
I’m the one who rained them on you;
Not because you have to suffer,
But because you need to face challenges for all the good and evil you did.
You hate me for hanging upon you;
You hate me for not turning up when you needed me;
You hate me for not being like others Karmas;
You hate me for the way I made you feel when you weren’t wrong!
But in the END,
I could only say that;
What you got to do is “go with the flow”,
I will always be your snitch;
And make you aware of everything.
If you ignore me;
Then I have my ways to deal with; after all “I’m your so called BITCH and SNITCH!”
We all know that “no matter how great you are, KARMA has its way and we need to face it. After all, Dasharath was a king, yet he couldn’t escape from his own mistakes and met them in the name of KARMA!
We all faced karma and felt the worst because we felt it as bitch. But this time you feel it as a snitch, and I’m pretty sure we may not feel that worse this time.
And remember my FRIEND, there is no equation or formula to solve karma. You only need to accept it and go with the flow by letting KARMA do its JOB!!

That’s how he saved his futurE

Many a times being frugal is misinterpreted;
Is being frugal being cheap?
If saving money for greater things in life is;
If serving one’s best interests is;
Then yes; but;
Being frugal at least gets one a good night’s sleep.

We live in a world where;
Clothes are meant for show off;
Money is spent like a toss;
& food is left to rot;
After all, everyone’s caught being faux.

In the constant dilemma between need & want;
Want is a luxury that will leave you;
With resources too scant.
Choosing a comfortable living over luxuries;
Is the way of life of being worldly.

It is rightly said,,
‘One of the important leadership principles is frugality’.
Be frugal in the gift of life;
For it teaches you to be wise;
& to care about value and not the price.

Frugal living is a mindset;
For your future not to be left in a debt & sweat.
It’s not compromising on living standards;
It’s just your future life being sorted & answered.

Frugality – We all need it!

Many of us can feel that why do we need Frugality. Let me give a self example.
Just like all other weekends, I was lying on the bed, using my phone and I got a notification of sale on amazon and without a second thought opened the app. I saw one art kit that drove me out of words; it has the same components as all my other art kits, but the package of the kit was so fantastic that I couldn’t resist myself from getting it. I had a habit of getting one for my sister whenever I feel it is good. And so I made a call to my sister and told her, “I’m buying an art kit for you too, and it is so cool that you will love it for sure”, and here goes our conversation:
Sister: What’s the cost?
Me: Don’t worry about the cost. I’m earning now I can spend on something we love.
Sister: Do you really need it? Like you already have some na…why to waste money on something we already have. Instead, you try creating something that makes it even cooler in looks using the ones you have.
Me: I know you would say this. Why do you always do this?
Sister: “You will get it.” with the same gentle smile.
Me: Ok, fine. I’m not buying it.
It’s been 3months since that conversation happened, and now I got to know why my sister is always frugal and made me frugal too. Especially during this pandemic.
During this pandemic, I saw people who struggled a lot financially, especially middle-class families. But some families are managing it so well even the income is low. And I could say that Frugality is the principle that made it possible. After all, it is told and proved by many leaders and mothers(who stand first in line), “One of the important leadership principles is frugality.”
Of course, that principle isn’t limited to leaders who run organisations but for everyone. Because one is always a leader for self, and I can say that “the art of frugality” is not that hard to practice. It is a way of life that makes one financially independent and also minimalise through anti-consumerist habits. So, we could assume that “The art of Frugality” is worth learning skill.
You can enjoy being frugal if you embrace the beauty of a walk through the park rather than roaming around malls where you intend to spend money for no reason. Create something new with the unused resources that could make your home a-way attractive than before. Spend some time to get the chef out of you, which saves a lot of your income. And it is already proved in this lockdown period. Many of these beautiful and creative moments stay with us far longer than the ones we spend money on.

Dear Mumma,

Hai Mumma. How are you? It’s been three months without seeing you. I know we might be talking through video call, but still, it’s different na. By the way, convey my hello to our macho man. The situation is getting worse day by day. Every health care professional is working too hard. Whenever I go to treat the patients my heart trembles still I go by thinking it’s my Duty. Otherwise, there is no use of this education.

When someone recovers from the COVID-19, we sendoff with a huge cheer. I really feel that my purpose in life is filled when I see happiness in their eyes.

Maa, Something pathetic happened in the hospital. Group of people came to beat our chief doctor. There was his no mistake. He treated the patient with almost care, but what to do maa, somethings are not in our hands. People don’t get it. But our chief doctor came to work after one week to treat patients with zero bitterness. That moment inspired me a lot. 

Maa, there is a head nurse in our hospital. Whenever she scolds the staff regarding any work, she reminds me of you. She is very conscious of the resources of the hospital. I learnt from her that one of the important leadership principles is frugality. She got a one-year-old daughter. She tells me,” Its killing me that i cant hug my daughter.”  

When i see things around, the dream of being a soldier is fulfilled in me.

At last,” Happy birthday Mumma” I miss you very much. I will miss all the fun that we used to have on your birthday. But you always say na that Duty first later all.

{ Take this letter from me as a greeting card }

Unheard voice of Sold Bodies

My name is Snigdha. I was just 16 when I went missing and reached Mumbai, amidst the slaughters. I was sold when I’m still a daughter, forced to lie down on the beds of tyrants while I’m still dressed as a bride with shiny saree and wild makeup. Now I have a body that has neither identity nor destiny. These questions still play in mind even when I was like a corpse lying on the bed and played with fingers of rich around my body.
“Will I ever see my parents?
Will I ever get to play with kids on the street, especially with paper boats when it rains?
Will I ever get rid of the gaze given by people during nights when they cross the roads?
Can I be not auctioned for just a few rupees?
Will I ever be a respectful person?
Will I ever get rid of all this fucking shit and remain alive?”
And sometimes I do feel “If I weren’t there, there would be more poor girls like Nirbhaya and Asifa” – this is a small voice of a SOLD BODY that hasn’t been heard by many. Rather it is judged by many without knowing the actual reason for selling the body.
I guess you would have understood what the SOLD BODIES are referred to. If not here it is “The sold bodies related to the PROSTITUTES – women who are engaged or forced in sexual intercourse for money.

Here is my little suggestion for you:
“Every night, when you drive back home crossing that road where love is sold; cars slow down their pace and men look out of their windows to see the faces that have no identity.
That fucking stare gave by you towards them make their souls live in pain. They live as corpses when they are forced and prepared to do sex with the same ones who abused them.
But this time when you drive across the same road, slow down your cars but instead of staring take a moment and smile gently, that shows that you do care for them.
Because if you observe them, you can find a compassionate mother desperate to earn for her child. You will see them burn hopelessly surrounded by desperation and need; while their kids grow up, outside those shut doors.
You will see a girl who is still a little princess, whose body is shared with many where none has dared to share their surname.
You may not be in a place to help them out of that, but your gentle smile could make a little change for that night.”
Prostitution in India isn’t something new; it’s one of the oldest profession like other professions. Whether it is she who stands on the footpath or the one who uses technology to get in touch with customers share the same stories. Over millions of women are into prostitution, of which most of them are forced, i.e. trafficking.
We do have some laws related to prostitution:
Prevention of Immortal Traffic Act
Suppression of Immortal Traffic in women and girl act
Immortal Traffic Prevention Act
Despite all these laws, for every 3minutes, a girl is trafficked into sexual slavery, hardly 1% of them are being rescued.
We all know that we couldn’t change their profession since some of them choose it as their source of income, but we could change the attitude towards them. They do deserve RESPECT because only their bodies are touched but not souls.
And here is the thing I still don’t get it – “How do you cremate a body that has been constantly cremated from within?”
And to all the men, don’t be macho only in beds, be a gentleman who respects a beautiful heart rather than a used body.

Death came sooner than life

When I woke up, all I could feel was a breeze,

Calm and serene, Peaceful and Cool;

Winds howling with the only noise of their flow,

Laced with the honey, they were sweet;

Reminds me of my mothers’ fragrance,

Wish I could run into her arms and feel warm;

Where is she? I find no trace of her,

Mommy! Mommy!! Where are you?

I am not able to open my eyes; please help me;

Struggled, screamed and finally heard a voice,

“You cannot open your eyes here, Lilly.”

Why? Who are you? How do you know me?

Too many questions to ask, too much confusion:

Why don’t these damn eyes open?

All I want is to go home and see mom;

No one here has the eyes to see,

Except for the voice to speak and ears to hear;

Mr.Strange, who are you? How do you know me?

We all know each other, Little quick or little late;

It has taken you a complete life to know me,

For me, I have known you forever;

Heard you cry coming out from your mothers’ womb,

Heard your giggles playing in the corners of the street;

You were alive not late came your death,

I was around, took your hand and let you sleep for a while;

Here you are awake and alive again,

Living your after death, or should we call it dying?

This is it? Am I already dead?

Can I not go back and see my mother again?

No, you can’t. Learn to hear her from now,

Love isn’t in vision but in the feeling you experience;

But why do we not have a vision in this so-called dead world?

Here you are, I love it, the curiosity of being a kid,

They say the dead world isn’t for crimes and hence, no vision;

Really? If everything can be felt, then how can vision stop crime?

Oh dear, don’t you know that eyes are mischievous,

They are the keepers of attraction;

Oh! Is it? Funny it is to hear that, how idiotic is that expression!

Let my mother come; I shall ask her all questions,

Why do you say that? Ask me all you got in your head;

What you say is pointless like a blind won’t perform crime,

Brilliant is for you to ask that, but little one do you know?

How will one commit a crime when you know no form?

It is you who said that we just don’t have eye;

Does that mean that everything is as such, my dear Lilly?

We might touch the things and know, how is it around;

But are you sure that everyone can sense the touch?

Or are you sure that everything here has hands?

Wonderful it is! To live in doubts like this,

Haha! No, it is death so dying, right?

Yes, my Lilly, now you get it all, you sure are intelligent,

 I still have certain questions which sure don’t follow any equation;

Let my mommy come, I will ask her in person, Only if she could listen,

 Yes, my Lilly, let’s wait till your mother arrives in heaven.

Let’s know what happens after Lillys’ mother meets her in next part.

The Adverse Effects Of Flamboyance.

We as humans have differentiated ourselves on countless things. There are two things that humans have which unite all of us is hope and confidence. If we are hopeful, we might not push everything on confidence, if we have confidence, we don’t need hope as we believe in ourselves. Hope is a funny thing, and it makes us think that we can do the things that we never dreamt. Humans hope that they get some attention, due to this, they try to be flamboyant (tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness.). We make ourselves look good, show confidence, so on and so forth. But few people go to extremes, and as we know, anything extreme is never good; they suffer “Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD).” In which people seek the utmost attention, which leads to inappropriate seduction and an excessive need for approval. It is a widespread problem in the world, and informal therapy sessions show much improvement in this.

But today our topic is not about HPD. What happens when a human doesn’t get enough attention? They try to create moments to get attention which they call “attitude” without knowing the meaning of it. If you go to and search for “attitude.” You will surely find lots of images with a girl or a guy holding a cigarette and some cliche lines. You guessed it right, today our topic is about “drug abuse”. Drug use (Which include alcohol, Cannabis, cigarettes and other illicit drugs) is, directly and indirectly, responsible for 11.8 million deaths each year. According to many studies conducted, the socio-economic class, which has the best standard of living have the highest cases of drug addicts. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates that almost half of people who are diagnosed with HPD are also diagnosed with a substance misuse disorder.

By the statistics, it is evident that those who cannot seek attention in a usual way tends to go out of the box to such an extreme level that he is ready to abuse his body physically and mentally hoping to get attention. But what is the use of such kind of attention when we are making ourselves and our loved ones depressed? If you go to a bar and ask a guy why is he drunk so much, he says I’m depressed today. People are not ready to agree that they are having mental problems before a doctor as it is shameful, but are prepared to get over-drunk in a bar and get addicted to it. Impressive, isn’t it? People are ready to forget the world by smoking Cannabis or snorting cocaine and inject Ecstasy but are not prepared to correct the problems that they should eventually live. Ironical, isn’t it?

Why do people need attention? When there is a need for approval from anyone. Why do people need approval? When they lack confidence. As I said at the start, hope is a funny thing. It makes us does things to such extreme levels that we can’t even imagine. You may say Canada has legalised Cannabis what is wrong if we smoke it in the rest of the world? When it is controlled by government people, get the pure stuff, and there will be no issues, but if you get it illegally from a local dealer, it is very dangerous. Most of them use shoe polish to make Cannabis to dry it locally. It causes systematic complications such as increased heart rate, impaired motor skills, hallucinations, paranoia, memory loss, H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide) poisoning and lung damage.

In the end, people who want to be with you will be with you no matter what. If you do things out of the box to grab attention, you may get attention. But you will end up hurting you and the people who truly love you forever.

Links for Reference:

Our World in Data on drugs:

American Abused Centres on HPD on substance abuse: